Mum, you didn't doubt me when I said I was going to be a solicitor, you stood up to dad when he wanted me to stay at home and go to Manchester University, you went all the way to Newcastle University with me to show dad how "it's not even that far away", you didn't let me give in when I said I hated Newcastle and wanted to come home (after a week!!), you came to visit me once a term and made sure the student kitchen cupboards were full of Marks and Spencers food, during the holidays (and even after Uni!) you did all my washing and ironing, all my cooking, you even made my bed, you always made sure there was a new top from Warehouse in the cupboard when I did arrive home, you convinced me to give Dan a shot and go on a stayed up that night until I came home, you kept it a secret that he was going to propose, and you planned my wedding to the last detail, you convinced me to try the dress that turned out to be "the one" and you're the only one whose seen it, you helped us move...twice...and cleaned both flats to the exceptional standard that only you could, you bought us toilet rolls, dishwasher tablets and "best ham", you were there in the good times and the bad. I will never ever forget everything that you have done for me, everything you have given me, the holidays, the shopping, the staying over on a Thursday night and bullying dad out of the front room so we can watch The Good Wife, I miss you so much mum. My best friend, I will always always love you and never ever forget you. If, one day, I can be half the mum to my children that you have been to me then I will have done a good job.
"Night night from mummy, night night from daddy, night night from Paul, night night from Chris, night night from Katie." Sleep tight xxxxxxx
Chris Garnett
8th October 2013